Blue Angels

Jeni and I took a pretty crazy bus ride from Renton to southern Seattle to see the Blue Angels perform for Seattle’s SeaFair this past Saturday. It was pretty awesome. So awesome that I went back again with my officemates on Sunday. Unfortunately, we left too late to get all the way over to Southern Seattle, so we caught the second show from Mercer Island.

I brought my camera with me both days, but neglected to charge it before Jeni & I took off on the bus… The two pics of the Patriots and the two before that are from Saturday near Genesee Park, and the remaining are from Sunday on Mercer Island (with a charged battery) Too bad I didn’t think ahead the first time: it would have been cool to get both views.

Trying something new for these pictures, let’s see how it works:

Blue Angels

Aug 6, 2006 – 34 Photos